

Click on a number in the grid. Read the clue. Type your answer in the box. (If you need help, click on "Hint.") Click on "Enter." Click on "Check" to check your answer.
        1    2   
  3     4        
 7        8      
10        11       


3. She ___s the door handle and pulls the door open.
5. It's much warmer ___ than outside.
7. The love letter is inside the ___.
9. She seals the envelope and puts a ___ on it.
12. He pays his gas, water, and ___ bills.
13. Magazines come weekly or ___.


1. Some authors ___ many books.
2. He tears a check out of his ___.
4. She gets a ___ from the phone company every month.
6. A smoker always wants ___ cigarette.
8. He ___s his gas bill with his credit card.
10. She licks the flap on the envelope and ___s it.
11. He ___s his name at the bottom of the check.