

Click on a number in the grid. Read the clue. Type your answer in the box. (If you need help, click on "Hint.") Click on "Enter." Click on "Check" to check your answer.
 1          2    
    5   6        
7     8          
   9       10    11   


1. An apple is ___ than an orange. Candy is ___ from cake.
3. There are many different TV ___s on just one channel.
5. The ___ is nice. It's a good day to be outside.
7. The ___ is in the daily ___paper.
9. She ___s to go to college after high school.
12. My ___ computer fits into my backpack.
13. He ___s his dad in the nursing home once a week.


2. Use ___ers checks when you ___ around the world.
4. She ___s the weather forecast for tomorrow.
6. He uses Hotmail for his ___. She uses Gmail for her ___.
8. The TV ___ announcer talks about baseball and soccer news.
10. There are thousands of web___s on online. Google is a popular ___.
11. People send and ___ to email every day.