

Click on a number in the grid. Read the clue. Type your answer in the box. (If you need help, click on "Hint.") Click on "Enter." Click on "Check" to check your answer.
 2      3       
5   6     7     8     
9      10    11      


2. The ___ of music. Listen to the ___ of the rain on the roof. A piano has a different ___ than a guitar.
5. He sits on a park ___. The baseball players sit on a ___.
8. Have a seat. ___ down on this chair.
9. I have a ___ ring. My apartment ___ and my car ___ are on the ring.
10. At night I hear the crickets. I ___ to them every night.
12. A ___ has 88 keys. Some are black; some are white.


1. Some musicians write beautiful ___. Some musicians play beautiful ___.
3. My ___ loves my mom. My mom loves my ___.
4. I have 10 toes and 10 ___s.
6. ___ through the front door. Exit through the back door.
7. The strong wind ___s. A hungry wolf ___s. A ___ of pain.
11. "Michelle" is a famous ___ by the Beatles.