

Click on a number in the grid. Read the clue. Type your answer in the box. (If you need help, click on "Hint.") Click on "Enter." Click on "Check" to check your answer.
   1     2      
3     4       5    
 8      9       


1. He is crazy. He is out of ___.
3. He is crazy. He is out of his ___.
6. ___ people are impolite.
8. ___s are rude. People yell ___s at their enemies.


2. A penny for your ___s. It's the ___ that counts.
4. Make up your mind. Make a ___: Yes, or No.
5. ___ thoughts are bad. Positive thoughts are good.
7. ___ big. I ___ I'm in love.
9. Where there's ___, there's hope. Start a new ___. A ___saver.