Click to use the Talking Dictionary107. Market Bags Too Heavy (2)


107. Two weeks later, Brian bought a sturdy wooden stick. He went shopping at Gristedes. He bought his groceries. The checker put them in four double plastic bags. Brian took the stick and the four heavy bags outside. He put the bags on the sidewalk, two on the left and two on the right side of his feet. He slid the stick through the plastic handles. He stood between the bags. Grunting, he lifted the stick to his chest. Grunting again, he lifted the stick over his head. He rested the stick across the back of his neck. Two bags were hanging from each side of the stick. He started walking. He was comfortable. What a genius, he thought. He stopped after a block. His shoulders were aching. By the time he got home, his shoulders, neck, and back were killing him. Brian decided to shell out for a shopping cart. 2.9


107. Copyright © Mike Carlson. All rights reserved.