

Click on a number in the GRID (not in the Clues) to see the clue/s for that number. The clue appears at top left, above the grid. Type your answer into the empty BOX. Click on "Enter" to place your word into the grid. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter/s. Click on "Check," below the grid, to check your answer/s. ..., (c) Mike Carlson
             2    3     4    5       6   
  7           8         9          
    10    11                      
  12               13             
 14    15             16       17     18      
20                21         22       
    24   25          26        27         
    30    31                      
   32          33           34    35      
 37         38             39         
40                          41    
         42         43    44          
   45       46                    
47         48               49     50     
      51         52               
    53              54            
   55           56                


8. Then "Victor" ___ appeared.
9. The desktop ___s had still not appeared.
12. Victor took the sheet off the bed and the ___s off the pillows.
13. He ___ back out to the dining room.
15. White letters appeared near the bottom of the screen: "___ Windows."
18. He clicked on his ___ icon. ... ___ opened.
19. Victor ___d his name.
20. Victor turned on his ___. ... He returned to his ___.
21. He came back out to the ___ room
22. Victor typed his ___ name.
24. Then he went into the ___.
26. Word opened, a full half ___ after Victor had turned his computer on.
27. "To begin, click your user ___." He clicked on his ___.
28. Victor ___ into his bedroom. ... Then he ___ into the bathroom.
29. The screen was ___ blank.
32. He made ___ a cup of coffee.
35. Then he ___ed a pot with water.
38. He threw them all into the ___ basket on the floor.
39. He filled a pot with ___.
40. Letters appeared near the ___ of the screen.
43. Letters appeared near the bottom of the ___ screen.
46. The ___ icons had not appeared. ... Minutes later, the ___ appeared.
47. He ___ed to his computer.
49. Then he went into the bathroom and ___d.
51. ___ turned on his computer.
52. Five ___s later, the light blue screen appeared.
53. Victor ___ed how long it was going to take.
54. The ___ was totally blank.
55. Victor ___ them into the basket on the floor.
56. Five minutes later, the ___ blue screen appeared.


1. Victor threw them into the clothes ___.
2. Victor wondered how ___ it was going to take.
3. To begin, ___ your user name.
4. He ___d how colorful they were.
5. Victor wondered ___ long it was going to take this time.
6. For about ten ___s, the screen was totally blank.
7. He made himself a ___ of coffee.
10. The light ___ screen appeared.
11. Victor typed his first name into the ___.
14. Then "Victor" appeared, one … letter … after … ___.
16. Victor went into his ___room, took the sheet off the ___ and the....
17. "To ___, click your user name."
18. ___ letters appeared.
19. Victor threw ___ into the basket on the floor.
23. He liked how ___ they were.
25. Victor threw them ___ into the clothes basket.
26. Word opened, a ___ hour after Victor had turned his computer on.
30. Victor took the ___cases off the ___s.
31. To begin, click your ___ name.
33. Then he filled a ___ with water.
34. For about ten seconds, the screen was totally ___.
35. He filled a pot to make some ___ coffee.
36. He vacuumed his ___.
37. He made himself a cup of ___.
41. Then he filled a pot with water to make ___ fresh coffee.
42. White ___s appeared. ... "Victor" appeared, one ... ___ ... after....
44. The light blue screen ___ed.
45. Word opened, a ___ half hour after Victor turned his computer on.
48. White letters appeared: "Resuming ___s."
49. Victor took the ___ off the bed.
50. He ___ed his bedroom.
54. He made himself a cup of coffee and ___ down.