

Click on a number in the GRID (not in the Clues) to see the clue/s for that number. The clue appears at top left, above the grid. Type your answer into the empty BOX. Click on "Enter" to place your word into the grid. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter/s. Click on "Check," below the grid, to check your answer/s. ..., (c) Mike Carlson
     1    2    3      4      5    6         
    8   9          10          11       
  12         13          14        15     
16     17              18             
        19             20         
21   22        23     24          25      26      
   28         29     30    31        32       
     34                  35      36   
38         39                     
               40      41         
42      43     44                     
      46              47          
48                   49           
   50                51     52        
  53            54    55              
      56     57                   


1. I know ___ much you had wanted to do this.
3. So, she put down a $100 nonrefundable ___ on a room for two nights.
5. I thought Alice's graduation ceremony and party were next ___.
7. A few minutes later, Janice ___ed back.
8. She had a big problem--a ___ conflict.
10. She might be available, even though it's really ___ notice.
11. She ___ a short message.
12. She put ___ a $100 nonrefundable deposit on a room for two nights.
13. She had called ahead, of course, to get a room for Janice and ___.
14. The ___ told her that no more rooms were available.
16. Janice was not ___ the most organized person in the world.
18. I'll ___ this up to you, I promise.
19. Janice was not the most ___d person in the world.
20. I thought Alice's graduation ceremony and ___ were next week.
21. No more rooms were available at the price that was ___d.
24. She had already ___d to attend her daughter's graduation ceremony.
25. The cost for both ___s was going to be $200 plus taxes.
28. The cost was going to be $200 plus taxes, surcharges, and ___ fees.
31. She promised to attend her daughter's eighth-___ graduation ceremony.
32. The cost for ___ nights was $200 plus taxes, surcharges, and fees.
33. I get so ___d sometimes.
35. Sandra had not been to Las ___ in more than a year.
37. She wondered how Janice had made it through ___ so unorganized.
38. The cost for both nights was going to be $200 plus taxes, ___s, and...
40. So, she put down a $100 non___able deposit on a room for two nights.
42. The cost was going to be $200 plus taxes, surcharges, and other ___s.
44. She might be ___, even though it's really short notice.
45. Where are you? It's time to ___ to Vegas!
46. This was no ___ to Sandra.
47. To put it ___, Janice was not the most organized person in the world.
50. I get so confused ___.
51. She had called ___, of course, to get a room for Janice and herself.
56. Sandra finished putting her toothbrush and ___ into her travel bag.
58. Sandra finished putting her toothbrush and toothpaste into her ___ bag.
59. She ___ed how Janice had made it through life so unorganized.


2. ___ are you?
3. She had already promised to attend her ___'s graduation ceremony.
4. Her ___ Janice was coming by to pick her up in about ten minutes.
5. She looked at her ___.
6. She promised to attend her daughter's ___-grade graduation ceremony.
7. Janice was late, of ___.
9. She had a big problem--a schedule ___.
11. Maybe you can call up ___.
15. ...her daughter's eighth-grade graduation ceremony "this ___ weekend!"
17. I thought Alice's graduation ___ and party were next week.
18. She left a short ___: "Where are you?"
20. No rooms were available at the ___ advertised in the newspaper.
22. Sandra had forgotten to remind Janice of today's ___ time.
23. "Oh, Sandra, I'm so ___," Janice said.
26. ___ were the last two items on her "to pack" list.
27. ___ you can call up Lily.
29. If not, don't ___, I'll pay you for everything.
30. To ___ it kindly, Janice was not exactly organized.
34. Sandra ___ed her friend Lily.
36. Sandra ___ed.
39. I thought Alice's ___ ceremony and party were next week.
40. She might be available, even though it's ___ short notice.
41. She might be available, even though it's short ___.
43. Sandra had ___ to remind Janice of today's departure time.
48. She was ___d.
49. I'll ___ you for everything.
52. We can make plans ___.
53. Don't worry, I'll pay you for everything and we can make ___s again.
54. A few minutes later, Janice called ___.
55. Those were the last two ___s on her "to pack" list.
57. The cost for both nights was going to be $200 plus ___es.