

Click on a number in the GRID (not in the Clues) to see the clue/s for that number. Type your word into the empty BOX at top left, above the grid. Click on "Enter" to place your word into the grid. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter/s. Click on "Check," below the grid, to check your answer/s.
1    2        3   4      5    6     7    8       9   
           10             11      
12                    13          
        14         15             
     16           17              
   18      19      20   21        22    23        
24            25                  
       27           28            
29               30            31     
   32         33    34          35        
         36       37    38            
  39       40      41                 
      42             43           
44      45            46              
  47           48          49       50    
    51      52        53       54         
55   56           57                  
    58      59                    
60                    61      62      
     63   64                      
         67           68          


2. A florist in ___, India fell to his death.
3. He was not ___ing to feed them anything.
7. It's ___, I must admit.
10. He sat down in a chair to enjoy the ___.
11. Some of my neighbors will ___ going to the hardware store.
12. They ___d that he was not going to feed them.
14. It was only ten feet to the pavement ___.
15. He struck the ___ head first.
20. He sat in a chair to ___ the sunset.
22. My neighbors want me to take it ___.
24. Monkeys like these are getting ___ and more aggressive.
26. A balcony ___n't look like the outside of a prison.
27. However, he ___ the pavement head first.
29. They were hoping he would offer them ___ food.
30. He was ___ed by a gang of monkeys.
32. He lived on the ___ floor.
33. They ___ through his shirt and pants looking for food.
35. Bleeding and ___ing, he panicked.
38. I'll ___ my neighbors will be going to the store tomorrow.
39. He was on ___ balcony watering ___ plants.
41. Humans destroy the forests in ___.
42. He finished watering the ___s.
44. As humans destroy ___s, monkeys are getting hungrier.
46. The barbed wire might injure the monkeys and it's ___.
47. Three monkeys, usually ___ beggars, sat on his balcony.
48. He had barricaded his balcony with barbed ___.
49. ___ he finished watering the plants, he sat down.
51. The barbed wire might ___ the monkeys.
54. A ___ in India was attacked by a gang of monkeys.
55. He said he ___ already barricaded his balcony.
57. Three monkeys, which were friendly ___s, watched.
58. Our monkeys are ___ting out of control.
59. ___'s ugly, I must adm___.
60. They ___ hoping he would offer them some food.
62. They dug through his pants pockets looking for ___.
63. He sat down in a ___ to enjoy the sunset.
65. He leapt off his ___.
66. They were ___ that he would offer them some food.
67. They pulled at his hair and his ___.
68. "Our monkeys are getting out of ___," said a neighbor.


1. Instead of going back ___ the glass door, he leapt.
2. A florist in Delhi, India fell to his ___.
4. They were hoping that he would ___ them some food.
5. They scratched ___ pulled at his hair ___ clothes.
6. They ___ed on him.
8. He ___d on the second floor.
9. He had already ___d his balcony with barbed wire.
10. My neighbors will be going to the hardware ___ tomorrow.
11. ___ I'll bet some of my neighbors will be going tomorrow.
13. However, he struck the pavement ___ first.
16. Instead of ___ back into his apartment, he leapt.
17. They dug through his shirt and pants ___s.
18. Monkeys like these are getting more ___.
19. A balcony shouldn't look like the outside of a ___.
21. However, he struck the pavement, breaking his ___.
23. He ___ attacked by a gang of monkeys.
25. He ___ offer them some food.
28. They say the ___ed wire might injure the monkeys.
29. Three monkeys ___ on his balcony railing and watched.
31. It was only ten ___ to the pavement below.
34. He was attacked by a ___ of monkeys.
35. They ___ed his face and pulled at his hair.
36. The ___s jumped to the pavement.
37. The monkeys waited a ___.
40. ___ing and screaming, he panicked.
43. The barbed wire ___ injure the monkeys and it's unsightly.
44. A florist ___ to his death after he was attacked by monkeys.
45. Instead of going back through the ___ glass door....
47. They realized that he was not going to ___ them.
48. He finished ___ing the plants.
50. As humans ___ the forests, monkeys are getting hungrier.
52. Monkeys sat on his balcony ___ and watched.
53. My neighbors will be going to the ___ store tomorrow.
56. "Our monkeys ___ getting out of control," said a neighbor.
60. Some neighbors will be going to the store tomorrow.
61. Bleeding and screaming, he ___ked.
62. He lived on the second ___, so it was ten feet to the pavement.
64. They scratched his face and pulled at his ___.