

Click on a number in the GRID (not in the Clues) to see the clue/s for that number. Type your word into the empty BOX at top left, above the grid. Click on "Enter" to place your word into the grid. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter/s. Click on "Check," below the grid, to check your answer/s.
    1   2      3    4         5   6        7   
 8    9                         
 10          11                12     
                 13      14       
15      16         17          18         
    19                 20         
21    22                      23      
      24           25        26       
                   27      28     
29     30    31     32        33      34          
  35       36     37   38     39              
  40      41     42      43      44     45    46    47    
    48                    49      
        50      51                
 52        53           54    55          
       57        58               
59                  60       61       
    62       63     64                
  66           67               68    
 69         70                    
72      73            74              


1. You cannot serve more than ___ every 12 months.
3. You will receive in your mail an ___ marked Jury Summons.
5. You can demonstrate extreme financial ___.
10. Juror names are selected from state ___ cards.
14. You ___ lose a lot of money if you do most of the work.
15. You need a doctor's note confirming that you are ___.
17. ___s are selected from driver's licenses and voting rolls.
19. If you are mentally disabled, you may be ___d from service.
20. If you ___ a business, you might be away from it for four weeks.
21. ___ the judge won't excuse you.
23. To serve on a jury, you must ___ a U.S. citizen.
24. If you are dead, your ___ must provide proof of death.
25. If you have no transportation to court, you ___ be excused.
27. Your family must provide ___ of death.
29. Your age doesn't ___, as long as you are 18 years old.
32. You will not get paid much for your ___--$15 a day.
34. You have ___ reasonable means of transportation to court.
35. If selected, you will receive in your ___ an envelope.
36. You ___n't need a doctor's excuse.
37. If that date ___ inconvenient for you, you can change it.
39. If you are a full-time student or ___, you won't be excused.
41. Juror names are selected from state identification ___s.
43. If ___ disabled or a caregiver, you may be excused.
49. You ___ disabled or ___ a full-time c___giver.
50. Juror names are selected from driver's ___s and voting rolls.
52. To serve on a California jury, you must be a U.S. ___.
55. Some employers will pay your salary while you ___.
57. If selected, you will receive an envelope ___ed Jury Summons.
58. If that ___ is inconvenient, change it to a later ___.
59. To serve on a jury, you ___ be able to read.
60. You must read and understand basic ___.
62. You must be ___ed to serve; names are ___ed from voting rolls.
64. If you are a full-time caregiver, you ___ be excused.
65. People in wheelchairs can be required to serve on a ___.
69. If you are a ___-feeding mom, you can postpone service.
70. ...excuse you unless you can ___ extreme financial hardship.
71. You need a doctor's note ___ing that you are ill.
72. Call ___ 800 number to find out ___ first day of your service.
73. If you're ___er than 70, you need a doctor's note.
74. Parking for ___s is always free.


2. You need a doctor's ___ confirming that you are ill.
4. Juror names are selected from driver's licenses and ___ rolls.
6. You must be able to read ___ underst___ basic English.
7. You will not get ___ much for your service--$15 a day.
8. Also, the state ___ reimburse you 34 cents for each mile.
9. You will not ___ paid very much for your service.
11. If you are a full-time ___, you may be excused from service.
12. But the ___ won't excuse you.
13. If that date is inconvenient for you, you can ___ it to a later date.
14. You ___not serve more than once every 12 months.
16. Blind ___, deaf ___, and ___ in wheelchairs can serve.
18. If you are a breast-feeding mom, you can ___ your service.
22. ...for each mile ___ you drive in your car (one way only).
26. Your age ___n't matter, as long as you are at least 18.
28. If you are a ___-time teacher, you won't be excused.
29. If you have no reasonable ___ of transportation to court....
30. If you're younger ___ 70, you need a doctor's note.
31. Juror names are selected from voting ___s.
33. ...excuse you unless you can demonstrate ___hardship.
36. ___ people can be required to serve on a jury.
38. Also, the ___ will reimburse you 34 cents for each mile.
40. You do most of the work for your ___.
42. Juror names are selected from ___'s licenses and voting rolls.
44. Your ___ doesn't matter, as long as you are at least 18.
45. Call the 800 number to find out the first day of ___ service.
46. If you ___ no reasonable means of transportation to court....
47. If selected, you will ___ an envelope.
48. ___ people can be required to serve on a jury.
51. You will ___ get paid very much for your service.
53. Call the 800 phone ___ to find out the first day of service.
54. People in ___s can be required to serve on a jury.
56. You will receive in your mail an envelope marked Jury ___s.
58. If you are ___, your family must provide proof of death.
61. If you are a ___ or teacher, you won't be excused.
62. Some employers will pay your ___ while you serve.
63. If you are a full-___ teacher, you won't be excused.
66. Parking for jurors is always ___.
67. You ___'___ be excused.
68. ___ing for jurors is always free.