

Click on a number in the GRID (not in the Clues) to see the clue/s for that number. The clue appears at top left, above the grid. Type your answer into the empty BOX. Click on "Enter" to place your word into the grid. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter/s. Click on "Check," below the grid, to check your answer/s.
              1     2           
         4   5    6                
              7         8       
         9         10            
            11         12         
           13         14          
       15     16                  
17     18        19         20            
       21                22       
   23   24    25                 26       
     28               29          
30     31           32                
33          34      35       36       37      
          38        39            
  40             41         42        
 43      44           45    46    47          
       48    49             50   51       
      52                 53       
              54    55            


1. "Don't ___ in my ear!" Cassandra yelled.
3. This had never happened in any movie or any ___.
4. When ___ got to her place, she got into bed.
9. "What a jerk I ___," he said over and over.
10. ___ guy blew in ___ girl's ear and ___ girl ended up....
11. Travis ___ed. He didn't believe her.
12. "I'm so ___, honey," he told her.
14. ___n't blow in my ear!
16. He blew in her ear. She ___ out in pain.
17. I have very fragile ___.
20. "Something's ___," she told him.
21. It was ___.
23. ___ had never happened in any movie or any book.
26. I ___ very fragile skin.
27. He ___n't believe her.
28. If you blow in my ear, it might break my ___.
29. "___ a jerk I am," he said over and over. "___ a jerk."
33. "I'm so sorry, ___," he told her.
35. Yet ___ was happening to her.
36. He ___ sick.
37. ___ ran to the bathroom and threw up.
38. She got into her bed ___ lay down.
40. There was moisture on her ___.
41. She asked him to ___ leave.
42. He got ___ into his car and returned to his apartment.
43. He had seen too many ___s and read too many books.
46. When they got to her ___, she lay down.
49. When she pulled it out, there was ___ on her fingertip.
50. ___ they got to her place, she got into bed.
52. I have very ___ skin.
53. She felt ___.
54. "Something's wrong," she ___ him.
56. He apologized ___.
57. The ___ blew in the girl's ear.


2. She said she could hear a ___ing sound.
5. She asked ___ to please leave.
6. "Don't blow in my ear!" Cassandra ___ed.
7. She said she ___ hear a whooshing sound.
8. "What a ___ I am," he said over and over. "What a ___."
10. She ran to the bathroom and ___ up.
12. She said the whooshing ___ was not going away.
13. If you blow in my ear, it might ___ my eardrum.
15. But the look on her face said that she ___n't kidding.
17. Very quietly, she ___ it was okay.
18. The whooshing sound was ___ going away.
19. He couldn't believe that he had just ___d her.
22. The look on her face said ___ she wasn't kidding.
24. ___ walked her out to his car.
25. "You're kidding," he said, ___d.
29. He had read too many books ___ the guy blew....
30. ___ was moisture on her fingertip.
31. He couldn't ___ that he had just injured her.
32. "You're ___ding," he said.
34. When they ___ to her place, she ___ into her bed.
37. He felt ___.
38. He ___d again.
39. This never ___ed in any book. Yet it was ___ing to her.
42. So he ___ in her ear.
43. The girl ended up ___ing the guy.
44. If you blow in my ___, it might break my ___drum.
45. Very ___ly, she said it was okay.
47. This had never happened in ___ movie or ___ book.
48. She put ___ little finger in ___ ear.
51. He ___ just injured her.
55. She got into her bed and ___ down.