

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
    1       2     3     4       5      6   
7          8           9          
11      12         13    14              
15                16             
   17           18        19   20        
      22     23     24               
25      26                       
       27           28           
 30       31    32         33            
35                   36    37        
        38         39    40          
          42      43             
  44        45           46          
 47      48           49             


5. A ___ ended with one police car ramming the SUV.
7. They demand that everyone put their ___s into a bag.
8. ___s are enjoying their meals.
11. The ___ came to a stop.
12. One had hidden in a ___.
14. They ___ that everyone empty their purses.
15. Customers are enjoying their meals at a ___.
16. Customers are ___ing their meals.
17. They usually wear ___ caps with sunglasses.
18. Customers are enjoying their ___s.
19. He did not get ___ at all.
22. Three young men emptied the ___ register.
24. Men emptied the ___ and walked out to their SUV.
25. The third one decided to jump onto the ___ below.
27. He landed in an emergency ___.
28. They started running in three different ___s.
29. The police were ___ to respond quickly.
30. Wednesday, the ___ establishment was a Starbucks.
33. Two criminals start waving their guns at ___.
34. They wear hoodies or caps to ___ identification.
35. Three ___ men robbed the employees.
38. They immediately started ___ning.
40. A chase ended on the Third Street ___.
43. The third one had decided it was quicker to jump ___.
45. It is a crime that is getting to be ___ in Los Angeles.
47. When ___ got to him, he was dead.
49. One officer asked to ___ nameless.
50. "Too bad," said one officer, who asked to remain ___less.
51. It is a ___ that is getting to be common.
52. They usually wear hoodies to thwart ___.


1. When police got to him, he was ___.
2. The SUV came to a stop, but the criminals were un___.
3. Three men ___bed the employees and customers.
4. Two or more ___s start waving their guns at everyone.
5. The SUV ___ to a stop.
6. At 9:30 p.m., the business ___ was a Starbucks.
9. The other had broken a car ___.
10. He landed in an ___ lane.
11. Then the gunmen ___ out.
13. A chase ended with one police car ___ming the SUV.
20. They demand that everyone empty their ___s into a bag.
21. "Too bad he jumped," said one ___.
23. He wasn't holding ___s with the other two.
24. "___" is the topic, but ___ isn't in the story or title.
26. Criminals stroll in and start ___ their guns at everyone.
30. The other had ___ a window and hidden in the car.
31. Young men robbed the ___s and walked to their SUV.
32. The business establishment was a ___.
36. They ___ped out and started running in three directions.
37. The police were able to ___ quickly.
39. They immediately started running in ___ directions.
41. Three young men walked out to their ___ SUV.
42. They demand that everyone ___ their purses.
44. They usually wear ___s with sunglasses.
46. They usually wear baseball ___s with sunglasses.
48. The other had broken a ___ window and hidden in the ___.