

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
       1       2            
   3    4               5   6     
  7            8            
 9         10                
       11           12    13      
14                15          
    16          17            
 18            19             
20         21                 
   23   24                    
             25       26      
27             28        29       
           30      31         
 32                  33       
 34                35    36       
  37       38                 
       40     41              
42                   43       


2. Nor did their radar ___ a descending parachute.
3. She was ___ed with how professional he was.
5. It ___ dark, and it ___ cold.
8. D.B. is still a man who ___ vanished.
9. D.B. said to fly south toward ___ at 10,000 feet.
11. Pilots in the two ___ jets that were following saw nothing.
12. Had his ___ eventually drifted into the Pacific?
14. It was ___, and it was cold.
16. If we find that ___, he's going to prison for 30 years.
17. Had D.B. landed in the river and ___ed?
20. D.B. said to fly ___.
21. If we find that dirtbag, he's going to ___.
23. He tied that bag ___ to his front chute.
25. It was dark, and it was ___.
27. She was impressed with how "___" he was.
29. Nor did their ___ detect a parachute.
30. "He's going to prison for 30 years," said one ___ recently.
32. In 1980, a kid found $6,000 near ___, Oregon.
33. D.B. told the ___ to take off.
34. D.B. ___ed into the night.
35. Pilots in the two fighter jets saw ___.
37. A kid found marked bills on the bank of the ___ River.
39. He ___ ped on a back chute.
40. Or, had D.B. ___ the money there?
42. The stewardess ___ed his every move.
43. Had most of his money ___ed into the Pacific?
44. Had D.B. left the money there as a ___?


1. Pilots in the fighter ___s following the 727 saw nothing.
2. Nor did their radar detect a ___ing parachute.
4. Had his body and his money drifted into the ___?
6. The FBI is angry that D.B. Cooper got ___.
7. D.B. opened the ___ door of the passenger plane.
10. Once the 727 was ___, D.B. told the stewardess to go.
12. A kid found $6,000 on the ___ of the Columbia River,
13. a ruse, to make the FBI think that he had ___d?
15. The stewardess watched his every ___.
18. D.B. ___ checked out the parachutes and the cash.
19. The FBI is angry that D.B. Cooper ___ away.
22. In 1980, a ___ found $6,000 of the marked bills near Portland.
24. Had his body and his money ___ drifted into the Pacific?
25. Cooper ___ed out the parachutes and the cash.
26. D.B. is still a man who simply ___ed.
28. Sometime ___, D.B. opened the rear door and jumped out.
31. Almost 40 years later, D.B. is a man who vanished into ___ air.
36. D.B. said to fly south ___ Mexico at 10,000 feet.
37. He strapped on a back ___ and then a front ___.
38. A kid found $6,000 of the marked ___s near Portland, Oregon.
41. When he finished, D.B. told the pilot to ___ off.
42. Pilots in the two jets that ___ following the 727 saw nothing.