

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  1    2    3           4    5     6        
7          8    9            10        
11         12                    13   
     14               15          
16      17                        
        18        19              
     20                21         
        23     24           25        
26   27    28                         
30       31        32        33           
          34            35        
        36          37            
              39       40         
   41        42           43        44    
45                   46           
    47            48              
        49      50                
53                 54             


3. There must have been a ___.
5. They all ___d from basic training on a Friday.
7. Jordan took ___ aptitude tests.
8. He would receive a stateside ___ in a computer lab.
10. The recruiter said that Jordan ___d high in electronics.
11. Now pack your ___.
12. He would ___ to program software and repair hardware.
15. The Army gave him a ___ eye.
16. He got shrapnel in his left ___ and was blinded.
17. The drill sergeant ___ed at him.
18. Jordan wrote letters to his ___ and senators.
20. He talked to ___ new buddies.
21. The Army ___d him unfit for duty.
22. He got shrapnel in his eye and was permanently ___ed.
24. He would learn to program ___.
25. Jordan Wolf ___ed up as soon as he graduated.
26. You'll ___ in Baghdad in two days.
28. His ___ were amazed.
29. One day, his vehicle got ___n up by a handmade bomb.
30. ___, for 18 months he went out on daily missions.
32. Jordan took various ___ tests.
35. All of them were going straight to ___.
36. His ___ got blown up by a bomb.
37. ___ he hadn't completed his three-year commitment....
41. His buddies were ___d.
42. He attended eight weeks of training at Ft. Benning, ___.
43. He must return all of his cash bonus, plus ___.
45. He couldn't believe that the recruiter had ___d to him.
47. The ___ said that Jordan scored high in electronics.
48. Jordan wrote letters to his congressman and ___s.
49. After enrolling, Jordan got a letter from the ___.
51. Now ___ your gear. You'll be in Baghdad in two days.
52. Their next ___ station was Iraq.
53. He would learn to ___ software and repair hardware.
54. He hadn't completed his three-year ___ to the Army.


1. He got shrapnel in his left eye and was ___ blinded.
2. After enrolling at ___ University, Jordan got a letter.
3. There ___ have been a mistake.
4. Maybe it's a commendation, he thought as he ___ed the letter.
5. Jordan ___ a letter from the Pentagon.
6. The Army gave him a glass eye and ___d him.
9. He got ___ in his left eye.
13. Maybe it's a ___, he thought.
14. Now pack your gear. You'll be in ___ in two days.
19. He was going to be in a computer lab ___ after basic.
23. Also, Jordan would ___ a $10,000 cash bonus.
25. The Army doesn't make mistakes, ___!
27. The recruiter said that Jordan scored high in ___.
28. The letter said he must return all of his cash ___.
31. He would learn to repair electronic ___.
33. The ___ sergeant told them that their next duty station was Iraq.
34. Jordan wrote letters to his senators ___ he was in Iraq.
38. All of them were going ___ to Iraq.
39. He went out on daily ___s looking for the bad guys.
40. After ___ing at Troy, Jordan got a letter from the Pentagon.
44. The drill ___ barked at him.
46. He attended ___ training at Ft. Benning, Georgia.
47. He would learn to program software and ___ electronic hardware.
49. He must return all of his cash bonus, ___ interest.
50. "The ___ doesn't make mistakes!" the drill sergeant barked.