

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
        1     2             3     
 4      5            6    7          
11     12           13           14      
      16           17            
  19          20    21               
  22             23              
   25       26             27        
   29     30          31           32    
                33     34    35      
 36    37        38                  
           39         40         
  41     42        43       44    45         
47        48    49                   
51         52                    


4. He'll travel to around the ___ of Africa and back to Holland.
5. School ___ had sent Hans 15 million ice cream sticks.
8. He will sail through the ___ Canal.
9. "It's magnificent, and totally seaworthy," he ___ed.
10. He will sail across the Atlantic to ___.
11. Watching TV ___s one day, he got it!
15. He used these sticks to ___ a 45-foot replica.
16. It's magnificent, and ___ seaworthy
17. All the sticks ___ glued together.
18. Well, except for almost ___ing while going around the tips....
19. Hans, a life-long ___, had a dream.
21. He bought a yacht with all the latest safety ___.
22. Children from Holland had sent 15 ___ ice cream sticks.
25. ...around the world in a boat built ___ of ice cream sticks.
27. One day, he got it--ice ___ sticks!
29. He bought a yacht with all the latest ___ gear.
34. He felt it ___ too easy.
36. Children from all over ___ had sent Hans ice cream sticks.
39. Then he'll travel around the tip of ___.
40. Within three years, ___ children from all over Holland....
41. He would ___ the first man to sail around the world....
42. "If this trip ___s," he joked, "my next goal will be...!"
44. Well, ___ for almost sinking while going around South America.
47. He used sticks to build a 45-___ replica of a Viking ship.
48. No, he needed a ___ boat.
50. My next goal will be to build a ___ out of ice cream sticks!
51. All the sticks were ___d together.
52. Hans took his boat out to ___ on a one-week voyage.


1. He bought a beautiful yacht and had a ___ voyage.
2. He plans to ___ sail in 2008 with a crew of two.
3. He decided to build his own ___.
4. Then he'll travel to ___ and back to Holland.
6. My next goal will be to build a plane out of ice cream ___s!
7. He got several ___s who subsidized his trip.
11. He needed a new ___.
12. It's ___, and totally seaworthy.
13. The ___ went smoothly.
14. He got several sponsors who ___d his trip.
17. He put out the ___.
20. But that was nothing ___.
23. My goal will be to build a plane and ___ it around the world!
24. He used these sticks to build a ___ of a Viking ship.
26. He will ___ across the Atlantic to Canada.
27. He plans to sail in early 2008 with a ___ of two.
28. He bought a beautiful 40-foot ___.
30. Then he'll travel to ___ and back to Holland.
31. He used these sticks to build a replica of a ___ ship.
32. He wanted to sail around the ___.
33. Then he'll ___ back to Holland.
35. The voyage went ___ly.
37. He bought a yacht with all the ___ technical gear.
38. "If this trip succeeds," he ___d, "my next goal will be to...!"
43. Hans Andersen, a life-long fisherman, had a ___.
45. He will sail across the Atlantic and through the Panama ___.
46. My next ___ will be to build a plane out of ice cream sticks!
49. Watching TV commercials, he got it--___ cream sticks!