

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
      1        2            3     
4    5    6                       
7          8        9    10      11       
    13    14            15           
         16    17                
  18    19         20                
  22                        23   
24                     25        
        26       27        28        
 29                  30          
 31             32               
34      35         36                
                     37     38   
        39      40      41           
44                      45       


1. The treatment is to take over-the-counter ___s.
3. ___ season in the U.S. is usually December to March.
7. All of a sudden, you have ___, and your body aches.
8. All of a sudden, you have a high ___.
9. It doesn't ___ up on you, like a cold does.
11. In 1918, it killed 20 million people ___wide.
13. ___ attacks up to one billion people annually.
15. The victim becomes too weak to battle the ___.
20. In the U.S., it kills 20,000 ___.
21. For most ___s, the treatment is to simply wait it out.
22. The infection may become bacterial with deadly ___s.
24. Those most susceptible are people with ___ problems.
26. The flu is a very contagious viral ___.
28. The incubation ___ is about three days.
29. The infection may become bacterial with ___ consequences.
30. The flu is a viral infection spread through the ___.
31. The next best ___ is to get an annual flu shot.
32. The initial viral infection may become a ___ infection.
34. The flu is a very ___ viral infection spread by coughing.
36. ___s usually go away within two weeks.
40. The ___ period is about three days.
42. In 1918, it killed 20 ___ people worldwide.
43. Most susceptible are people with lung problems, such as ___.
44. This ___ reduces the number of people who get infected.
45. The initial ___ infection may become bacterial.
46. Those most susceptible are people with ___ heart problems.
47. Influenza attacks up to one ___ people annually.


2. Your ___ is sore, and your body aches.
3. You cough frequently and ___.
4. ___ the flu becomes pandemic.
5. In 1918, it ___ed 20 million people worldwide.
6. Stay home, get lots of bed rest, drink lots of ___s....
9. Your throat is ___.
10. It kills 20,000, most of whom are children or ___.
12. All of a sudden, you feel ___.
14. All of a sudden, you cough ___.
16. The flu is spread by coughing, ___, or simply talking.
17. Flu season in the U.S. is usually December to ___.
18. Take over-the-counter medications such as nasal ___s.
19. It is not caused by sleeping with the ___ on.
23. Occasionally the flu becomes ___.
25. The flu is ___ through the air by coughing, sneezing, or talking.
27. For most adults, the ___ is to simply wait it out.
33. All of a sudden, you feel weak, and your body ___s.
35. Take over-the-counter medications such as ___.
37. The ___ viral infection may become a bacterial infection.
38. Take medications such as aspirin and ___ decongestants.
39. You ___ frequently and forcefully.
41. The victim becomes too weak to ___ the disease.