

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
   1         2         3     4    
5   6                       
9                  10        
      11    12    13              
    14                15      
 16           17              
  19             20           
             23      24      25   
26          27                
  28               29         
30       31        32             


3. Then she ___ back to the office.
5. Mr. Wang was a big ___ in China.
8. Mr. Wang was ___ as he returned to the car.
9. At meeting's end, no ___ was made.
10. There was no need for May to interpret his ___s.
13. She heard the men making a deal ___ her back.
15. The two men discovered they ___ had grown up in Chengdu.
16. Then, ___, she snuck back to the office.
18. She sat there ___out the meeting.
19. Mr. Wang ___d to give May a commission.
21. She was the ___ at the meetings.
22. He spoke ___.
23. He did not speak ___.
26. May was hoping to ___ cigarette lighters in America.
27. She sat there and ___ed.
29. He did not ___ English.
30. She arranged meetings between Wang and some ___s.
32. She went home and tried not to ___.
33. She gave May Mr. Wang's ___ number.
34. Mr. Wang was cutting her out of her ___.
35. She was the interpreter at the ___s.


1. Mr. Wang was ___ting her out of her commission.
2. They both had grown up in a city in south___ China.
4. May was hoping to broker ___ lighters in America.
6. May called Mr. Wang and invited him to Los ___.
7. May was hoping to broker cigarette ___s.
11. May went ___ out to her car and waited.
12. They both had ___n up in Chengdu.
14. He ___d for making her wait.
15. ...a commission for whatever ___ deal was made.
17. She must be ___.
20. Her ___ said Wang was a manufacturer in China.
24. There was no need for May to ___ his remarks.
25. Mr. Wang promised May a commission for ___ orders.
26. She arranged meetings ___ Mr. Wang and wholesalers.
28. Then she drove Mr. Wang back to his ___.
31. Everyone ___ hands.
32. He was returning to ___ the next day.