

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
      1    2    3           4       
 6   7    8                   9     
10               11             
12            13               14   
    15            16            
    17                  18      
                19    20        
 21         22                  
     25                 26      
 27                   28        
    29              30          
   31          32    33             
   34        35          36       37    
 39         40        41         42     
 43      44    45          46           


2. With obesity come ___ blood pressure and diabetes.
5. We are starting a ___ to recall all members.
6. With obesity come ___ problems and diabetes.
11. Are they going to prohibit the ___ town from eating doughnuts?
12. They are ___ed officials who do the will of the people.
15. The residents at a senior center have been ___ doughnuts.
16. With obesity come high blood ___ and diabetes.
17. The sweets are donated by ___ and other shops.
20. Who are these ___?
21. The sweets are donated by shops that have ___.
24. They are ___s who are supposed to do the will of the people.
25. The senior ___s are having none of this.
26. They immediately called Rove to protest this ___.
29. They immediately called council members to ___.
30. With obesity come high blood pressure and ___.
33. We want our seniors to ___ as long as possible.
34. These sweets can only contribute to ___.
36. The seniors ___ the sweets.
39. They're interested in the health of all ___s.
40. There isn't one person who has complained about ___ doughnuts.
41. The sweets are ___d by bakeries and other shops.
42. They ___ like they are our parents.
44. They are supposed to do the ___ of the people.
46. With obesity come high ___ pressure and diabetes.
47. They're interested in the ___ of all seniors.


1. Did senior centers use to be called old ___s' homes?
3. We are doing this for their own ___.
4. Every one of them has a ___ several times a week.
5. People get a little ___ and it goes straight to their heads.
7. They ___ called Rove and other council members.
8. These sweets can only ___ to obesity.
9. We are starting a petition to recall the council ___s.
10. ...that have leftovers that are not quite ___ enough to sell.
13. Every one of them has a doughnut several ___ a week.
14. ...asked Doug Fairbanks, a resident at the ___.
16. Are they going to ___ all the seniors from eating doughnuts?
18. We want our seniors to live as long as ___.
19. Where do they get this ___?
22. The ___s at a senior center have been receiving free doughnuts.
23. The senior citizens are having ___of this.
27. The ___ are donated by bakeries and other shops.
28. They act like they are our ___s.
31. But the city ___ decided that these sweets are no good.
32. We are starting a petition to recall all who ___d for this law.
35. In New ___, residents have been receiving free doughnuts.
37. We are starting a petition to ___ all the council members.
38. It passed a law ___ding day-old sweets for the center.
43. I'll ___ every one of them has a doughnut several times a week.
44. ___ are these people to tell us what to eat?
45. It just passed a ___ forbidding sweets for the senior center.