

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
   1     2       3    4    5        
   7                8    9    
 11     12                   
 13                 14    15     
   16      17        18    19        
21             22            
     23    24       25        26     
    28       29              
         30       31         
              32    33       


1. ___ for me!
4. Grandma had a reaction to ___berries.
6. He told me that grandma had a ___.
7. Grandma swore us to ___.
10. I've got to get over ___ right now!
12. My ___, that was so long ago.
13. She had failed in her ___.
17. No, I'm ___.
19. It still ___s like a prank.
21. I've got to bring those ___.
22. I was wearing ___ and white Buster ___ shoes.
23. Did I go for a walk and ___ with daisies for you?
25. But your father and I ___ told you about it.
27. He ___ I gave you and grandma daisies.
28. You mean, it ___ happened?
30. ___, I get it.
32. I've got to get over there ___ now!
34. I gave you and ___ daisies.
35. Grandpa told me this in a ___ last night.


2. There's no telling what grandpa might tell you next ___.
3. You ___, it really happened?
4. Maybe we'd ___ start going every year.
5. She never wanted you to know ___ it.
6. Do you ___ me walking into the pond?
8. The ___ day, I called my mom.
9. There's no ___ing what grandpa might ___ you next.
11. Since mom's ___ six years ago?
14. ___ told you about that?
15. Do you remember me walking into the ___?
16. He wanted me to ___ them.
18. Grandma ___ us to silence.
19. He also said you had not visited ___--
20. Grandma had a reaction to black___.
24. Grandpa ___ me this in a dream last night.
26. Though it wasn't her ___, she felt that she had failed.
29. ___ father would never remember all this.
31. You and your dad are playing some kind of ___.
33. Did he say anything about visiting his ___site?
34. My ___!