

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
     1     2      3   4            
5    6                   7   8     
10    11                   12      
        13     14    15            
    16                17       
 18       19             20        
 22                      23    
24              25      26      27     
   29       30                 
      31           32      33      
 35       36          37           
        39           40        
 43                 44         


3. James Reid recently applied for a Purple ___.
6. ...for a wound that he ___d while serving in the Korean War.
7. He presented Reid the medal in front of TV ___ cameras.
9. A Navy official said they had no more ___ Hearts.
10. Reid ___s on a pension that barely covers his rent.
12. The Marine Corps is a segment of the U.S. ___.
15. Reid subsists on a pension that barely ___s his rent.
16. The Marines do whatever the federal ___ tells them.
17. It's the ___ of the Marine Corps.
18. However, Reid subsists on a pension that barely covers his ___.
20. The local newspaper printed a ___ page article.
21. Officials found the time to make a ___ presentation.
24. The government talks about how ___ the Marines are.
25. Reid depended on his kids for living ___s.
27. So Reid asked his ___ for $42 for the medal.
30. His daughter and son send him money for ___.
31. ...for a wound that he received more than 50 years ___.
32. A ___ marine recently applied for a Purple Heart.
35. Thank you so much for your ___ to your country.
39. He could buy it at a ___ supply store.
40. Reid applied for a Purple Heart for a wound he received in the ___n War.
41. The Marine Corps is a ___ of the U.S. Navy.
42. His son got upset about the un___ness of the Navy.
43. He could buy it at a military ___ store.
44. ...present Reid his Purple Heart 50 years after his ___.


1. Reid subsists on a military ___ that barely covers his rent.
2. Well, then, ___ your kids pay for it.
4. He ___ed no problems.
5. His son got ___ about the ungratefulness of the Navy.
8. It's not ___ly like buying a new car.
11. The Navy couldn't be ___ed to present Reid his Purple Heart.
13. Somehow, officials found the time to make a ceremonial ___.
14. A former marine ___ly applied for a Purple Heart.
17. The government always talks about how important the ___s are.
19. He presented Reid the ___ in front of TV news cameras.
22. The Navy, of course, was immediately ___ed.
23. Reid applied for a Purple Heart for a ___ he received.
26. ___ television news picked up the story.
28. "Semper Fi" means Always ___.
29. The Marines do whatever the ___ government tells them to do.
33. We are always ___ to show we take care of our own.
34. The Marines do ___ the federal government tells them to do.
36. Thank you so much for your service to your ___.
37. A Navy official said that they had no ___ Purple Hearts.
38. Reid subsists on a military pension that ___ covers his rent.
40. Reid told him he depended on his ___s for living expenses.