

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
         1    2         3     
   4      5                
 6      7    8                
9                   10     11   
14            15         16      
               18    19      
  20    21          22           
25        26           27     28     
     30           31         
   33    34                  


8. He put the ___ back in his ear.
9. Nicolas was sitting in the waiting ___ Monday morning.
10. The customer was from the same ___ that Nicolas was from.
12. His ___ Sony radio was on.
14. Didn't you say you ___ in Milford?
16. Wednesday was the ___th of July.
17. Oh well, I tried to be ___.
19. The man ___ded.
23. Nicolas thought he would ___ himself.
24. Oh well, I tried to be neighborly, Nicolas ___.
26. case the ___s had to spend all day fixing his car.
27. Nicolas over___ the customer talking to Harold.
29. ___ he was doing was watching cars drive by.
30. He opened one of his ___s.
32. Nicolas was ___ting in the waiting room Monday.
33. Nicolas overheard the customer talking to the service ___.
35. He was talking to someone who just happened to be visiting ___.


1. Are you going to the ___ on Wednesday?
2. The ___ man nodded.
3. The man ___ his head.
4. He was talking to ___ who happened to be visiting.
5. He was watching cars drive by on the ___ street.
6. ___ long have you lived there?
7. A ___ came into the waiting room.
11. You've ___ been to the Fourth of July parade?
13. He was talking to someone visiting Earth on his way to ___.
15. He seemed totally uninterested in continuing the ___.
16. The customer and Harold had ___ed talking.
18. He had ___ four magazines with him.
20. Nicolas thought he would introduce ___.
21. One earbud was ___ in his right ear.
22. Harold went back ___.
25. He put the ___bud back in his ___.
28. His portable Sony ___ was on.
31. A customer came into the ___ing room.
34. He ___ the earbud back in his ear.