

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
        1       2     3     
4    5                   
       6    7            
          13    14         
  15      16              17   
           18       19     
  20      21               
  23         24            


1. All you see is one ___ after another.
4. The U.S. government tried to ___ Iraqis from Saddam Hussein.
8. There is no Saddam, but also there is no ___.
9. Two deeply religious ___s going at each other's throats.
11. Two million ___s have left their country since 2003.
12. The U.S. government has not welcomed these Iraqi ___s.
13. About 30,000 Iraqi ___s are getting killed each year.
15. In the ___, there might even be no Iraq.
18. Two religious sects (are) going at each other's ___s.
20. ...and vehicles ___ing into the sky.
21. How can anything be ___ of Iraq?
24. Many people ___wide think that Iraq was better off before Bush.
25. Suicide bombers (are) committing ___.
26. The U.S. government has caused most of this ___ing.
27. Two ___ly religious sects (are) going at each other's throats.
28. Iraq was ___ off before Bush and Cheney decided to "help."


2. Two million Iraqis have left their country ___ 2003.
3. When you look at the ___ on TV, you see one explosion after another.
4. What is the ___ for this small number?
5. ___ bombers (are) committing homicide.
6. The Iraqi ___ are our friends.
7. Suicide bombers (are) ___ting homicide.
10. Less than 800 Iraqis have been allowed to enter this ___.
14. Helicopters falling from the sky, and ___s flying into the sky.
16. Two deeply ___ sects (are) going at each other's throats.
17. ___s (are) falling from the sky.
19. ___s are entering as fast as they can.
22. The U.S. ___ment has not welcomed these refugees into the USA.
23. Suicide ___s (are) committing suicide.