

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
      1        2         
3            4          5   
   8              9      
               11    12    
13               14        
  15            16     17      
   18      19              
 20     21                 
23      24    25               
   26           27         


3. Representatives had an ___ meeting.
4. He had wanted Spock to attend the Vulcan ___ Academy.
7. Spock ___ed every drop.
10. Sarek had a ___ medical problem.
11. His dad was right, which made her ___ angrier.
13. ___s from various planets had an emergency meeting.
15. He had wanted Spock to attend the ___.
16. Dr. McCoy ___d on Sarek.
18. A Vulcan is ___ smart.
21. Sarek had a ___ problem.
23. Amanda got very ___ with her husband.
25. Spock is in the ___ TV show.
26. He needed immediate ___.
27. Representatives from various ___s had a meeting.


1. Spock joined the crew to explore the ___.
2. Dr. "Bones" saved his ___.
3. Spock joined the crew of the spaceship ___.
5. He is half ___, half human.
6. A Vulcan is extremely ___.
8. Spock is a main ___ in the TV show.
9. Spock joined the all-human ___ of the spaceship.
12. A Vulcan has no ___s.
14. Spock joined the crew to ___ the universe.
17. Sarek ___d to talk to him anymore.
19. In one ___, representatives had an emergency meeting.
20. Spock said hello to his dad, but Sarek ___d him.
22. Spock offered every ___ of his blood.
24. ___ don't thank someone for doing the logical thing.