

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
          1   2         
     3    4           5    
   6        7       8      
 9          10      11       
  13             14       
  15                 16   
18      19                
20                 21     
     25        26         


1. He ___ into the kitchen sink.
3. He ___bed some floss.
8. He threw the ___ed floss into the trash.
9. They can put a man on the ___.
10. He ___d his mouth out.
13. Why can't they ___ something easier?
14. He sat down at the dining room ___.
15. He spent another 30 seconds brushing his ___.
17. Why can't they invent something easier than ___ floss?
19. It was a piece of dark ___.
20. He flossed his top ___ and then his bottom ___.
22. He grabbed his ___ toothbrush.
23. Kevin had just finished ___.
24. Of ___, that was to get them to use up the tube faster.
25. Kevin put just a little ___ onto the brush.


2. Brushing and flossing are such a ___.
4. He brushed for ___ a minute.
5. Then he ___d and spit again.
6. They'd have to buy another tube ___er.
7. Kevin put just a little toothpaste onto the ___.
11. ...people putting toothpaste onto the ___ length of the brush.
12. ...people putting toothpaste onto the entire ___ of the brush.
15. That was to get them to use up the ___ faster.
16. He rinsed his mouth out with a ___ of water.
17. ___!
18. Did the floss ___ between two teeth?
19. Flossing was a ___.
21. He sat down and grabbed some floss.
26. TV ___s always show people putting toothpaste onto the....