

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1   2         3            
    5            6      
9   10                   
   14       15            
16         17       18        
     19         20        


1. But it was also a ___ knife.
5. The sharp edge is ___d for life.
6. ___ time, be more careful.
7. He liked to eat fresh apples with ___.
8. The doctor put three ___es in Pete's finger.
9. That's how they ___d it.
11. It said "___ Stainless USA."
12. It was one of those ___ that were advertised on TV.
13. You ___ need to sharpen it.
16. Did he like to eat ___ apples?
17. The handle was a piece of cheap ___ plastic.
19. He opened the ___s so he could get more sunlight.
20. He was about to ___ three green apples.
22. It ___ cut through a tomato can.


2. A couple of years ___, Pete was careless.
3. Was "Surgical ___ USA" on the side of the blade?
4. It had ___, like a saw.
8. Did he like to eat apples with cinnamon ___d on them?
10. He grabbed a knife out of a ___.
14. He didn't ___ the knife for almost a year.
15. He'd bought this knife at a ___ fair.
18. He ___ rapidly slicing a potato.
19. The ___ got his finger.
21. ...and then ___ easily through a fresh tomato.