

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
 4            5   6       
 7           8         
9          10           
  13     14              
  15        16   17          


2. Jan ___ rolled her over.
3. Just then, Star ___ed.
4. You're not ___d anywhere, are you?
5. When she moved her right hand, she ___ed.
7. Laura ___ moved her legs and arms.
9. Laura went to the ___.
10. What's the ___?
11. Jan looked at Laura's right ___.
12. Laura ___ed.
14. Did Jan unbutton the top ___?
15. Four horses ___ there.
16. She put a ___ on Star.
18. He was seven years ___.


1. Jan unbuttoned the top buttons on Laura's ___.
2. They ___ on the horses.
4. Jan pulled Laura up into a sitting ___.
6. She ___ her hand for a second.
8. They were ___ going to exercise the horses.
10. A few ___ later, Laura was telling Janice about the doctor.
12. Janice saddled up Moonbeam, a white ___.
13. Oh, my ___!
14. She didn't see any ___.
17. Laura went flying into the ___.