

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  4            5       
13         14            
     16    17            
18      19               


2. Was he looking for anything in ___?
4. Everyone who worked at the thrift shop was a ___.
6. The ___ at the register told him hello.
7. They put the items into ___ bags for the customers.
8. Could I ___ at that one?
10. They had the ___ to see, and buy, items in the shop.
11. Jim looked at the ___ in the glass case.
13. When Jim entered, the lady at the ___ told him hello.
17. Nothing was ever new at a thrift ___.
18. He ___ one that he liked.
19. Jim ___ to the thrift shop.
20. She said nothing was ever new at a ___ shop.


1. She put price ___s on them.
2. He wasn't looking for anything in ___.
3. The shop was ___ on Sunday and Monday.
5. The only "___" they received was that they had....
9. She sorted the new ___s and put price tags on them.
12. He liked to go there just to ___.
14. The ___ of the week, it opened at 10 a.m.
15. She ___ed the new donations.
16. Jim said, "What's ___?"