Story 202a


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1    2               3    
    5   6              
   8         9    10       
              13    14   
 15             16       
18              19       


1. I received a ___ of Appreciation for a job well done.
4. A third-degree ___ is much worse than a first-degree ___.
5. I didn't do it. It wasn't my ___. It was someone else's ___!
7. ___ water can produce severe burns.
10. If you ___ the beans, you tell a secret.
11. Hundreds of people are ___d in traffic accidents daily.
12. A surgeon has a ___ degree.
16. You should put cold water on coffee and blood ___s immediately.
17. Most working people are ___s employed by employers.
18. Do you want to go to a fast-food or a sit-down ___?
19. Fruits, vegetables, and fish should always be ___.


1. People like to drive their ___s with the top down.
2. They made him an offer he couldn't ___.
3. If you drive 100 mph, you will ___ get a ticket.
6. I'm so sorry! I just ___ spilled soda on your new sofa.
8. Should you ___ in silence because no one wants to hear you complain?
9. There's no such thing as being ___ pregnant.
10. Men and women wear ___ with belts or suspenders.
12. I asked the plant ___ if i could leave work early.
13. My ___ new TV is still in the box.
14. Peanut butter and jelly is a popular ___ with kids.
15. Opposite of 'male.'