

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
        1    2    3   
 4      5          
6     7            
   9      10        
  13        14       
15             16    


5. I love the color blue; my ___ color is blue.
6. When I'm ___, I feel good. When I'm un___, I feel bad.
8. People often call a bicycle or a motorcycle a ___.
9. Let's put our heads ___ and solve this problem.
12. It's December 22. Christmas will be here very ___.
15. Everyone enjoys a good ___. That's why we have jokes and cartoons.
17. Parents are always ___ than children. Children are always younger than parents.
18. I'm in first ___ at school this year. Next year I'll be in second ___.
19. For most people, their ___ is more important than their friends.


1. A funny ___ will make you laugh. Everyone likes to hear a good ___.
2. The ___ of every country is interesting. The ___ of some countries goes back 1,000 years.
3. A good ___ makes the students comfortable and makes class interesting.
4. A shopping ___ has many stores and lots of free parking.
7. You can't change the ___, but you can prepare for the future.
10. An elephant is bigger ___ an ant. A plane is faster ___ a car.
11. Thumb, index finger, ___ finger, ring finger, pinky. Beginning, ___, end.
12. You will get an education if you go to ___. There are public ___s and private ___s.
13. People have ___ at fairs and carnivals. They have ___ at the beach.
14. A redwood tree is a very ___ tree. A twig is a very small part of a tree.
16. The bus ___ will take only 30 minutes. I hope you enjoy your ___.