
Click on a number in the grid, and you'll see a sentence. Type in the word, and click on "Enter". If you don't know the word, click on "Hint".
   1       2     
  3    4     5      
       10   11     
13        14       


1. A ___ has a long tail and a long tongue.
3. You have everything. I have ___.
7. The dog ___s at the cat.
8. The bird ___s a pretty song.
9. A cat ___s when it's hungry.
10. A turtle ___s nothing. It is always quiet.
12. A fish is ___. It makes no noise.
13. A dog ___s to bark. A bird ___s to sing.
14. A ___ flies. A ___ sings in a tree.


2. A ___ likes to bark.
4. A ___ has a shell on its back.
5. A fish is quiet. A dog is ___.
6. I want food. I am ___.
9. Mickey ___ is famous. A cat likes a ___.
11. She is happy. He is ___.