

Click on each number in the grid to complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
 1      2     3        
   5    6           
8           9     10    
       12     13      
14    15              


2. What's the ___ of this shirt? = How much does this shirt cost?
7. I don't need my umbrella, because I'm wearing my ___.
9. She rides her ___ to school every day.
12. --Do you know how to ___ a horse? --No, I've never ridden a horse.
14. It's going to rain. Should I take my ___ or should I wear my raincoat?
16. --I have chocolate or vanilla ice cream. You can ___ one or the other. --Let me have vanilla, please.
17. Happy ___ to you! How old are you today?
18. 1 ___ = 5,280 feet. The speed limit is 55 ___s per hour.
19. The public ___ has books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs that you can borrow.


1. Should I ___ my black socks or my brown socks to school today?
3. How much does this pen ___? = What's the price of this pen?
4. I ___ed my car in the ___ing lot and walked to the ___ to have a picnic.
5. All parents have ___. ___ love their parents.
6. Teachers and students go to ___ 5 days a week.
8. Wait a ___, please! There are 60 ___s in an hour.
10. Kindergarten, ___ school, middle school, high school, college.
11. --What ___ are you in? --I'm 6 years old, and I'm in first ___ at my school.
13. Fifth, sixth, seventh, ___, ninth, tenth. Henry the ___ was a famous king.
15. A tricycle has 3 wheels. A ___ has 2 wheels. A unicyle has 1 wheel.