

Click on a number. Read the clue. Type in a word. Click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
    4      5     
6    7           


2. A funny story makes us ___.
4. Did you ever hear a funny ___?
6. Do you have anything ___ to say?
8. That wasn't ___. I didn't laugh.
9. I have the ___ last name as my dad.
10. ___ you feel good; ___ you feel bad.
11. I ___ that's funny. What do you ___?


1. Don't ___ for me. Go without me.
3. I'm ___. I won't do that again.
5. My sister is two years ___er than I am.
7. Tell your story to ___ else.
8. When I ___ telling you this story, you will laugh.