

Click on a number. Read the clue. Type in a word. Click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
    1    2      
3    4          
    5       6   
  7       8     


1. Did the dog ___ barking?
3. He ___ed out the window. He saw a brown dog.
5. Did he look out the ___? What did he see?
7. What did he ___ when he looked out the window?
9. Why did the dog ___ so loud?
10. Was he sleeping in ___? Did he get out of ___?
11. Did he ___ a dog barking outside?


2. It was hot. He ___ed the window.
3. Why are you barking so ___? Your ___ barking woke me up.
4. It's cold ___. Stay warm INSIDE the house.
5. He got out of bed ___ he heard the dog barking.
6. He ___ed to his car.
8. Did the dog ___ him up from his sleep?