

Click on a number in the GRID (not in the Clues) to see the clue/s for that number. The clue appears at top left, above the grid. Type your answer into the empty BOX. Click on "Enter" to place your word into the grid. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter/s. Click on "Check," below the grid, to check your answer/s. ..., (c) Mike Carlson
1              2        3       4     
5          6        7         8      9   
      10                 11       
12    13          14      15              
     16    17                     
 18               19              
       20        21       22          
23                          24    
    25    26     27    28           29        
  30                   31         
32               33    34    35    36         
37               38               
  40        41             42     43      
   45                    46       
     48         49           50       
            51       52           
 53     54                  55        
56           57    58    59      60         61    
63            64                  
    67                68          


3. Maher's group also wants to ___ Bush's face.
5. Waste Management, the ___st trash company in America, might put....
7. The company ___ put Bush's face on the rear end of all their trucks.
10. I can't wait to ___ my nose into Bush's face.
11. proposing to name a new wastewater treatment plant ___ him.
12. The word must ___ to Bush somehow.
14. In addition to ___ting Bush's name everywhere, Maher's group also....
15. In ___, Maher's group is offering $5 to the person who comes up with....
16. The man is such a ___ that he'll probably feel flattered.
18. The public will soon see Bush's face on ___boards.
20. Bush ___ed this country, so we want to ___ his image.
21. The word ___ refer to Bush somehow.
22. Kimberly-Clark will put Bush's face on their paper ___s.
23. Several companies are eager to work ___ Maher's group.
26. Maher's group is offering $5 to the person who ___s up with the best....
28. ...somehow, ___ as "garbush can" for garbage can, "bushfill" for landfill....
29. He sees his face on a ___, plastic fly swatter.
30. The company might put Bush's face on the ___ end of their trash trucks.
36. The public will soon see Bush's face on dartboards and kitty ___ boxes.
37. Bush ruined this ___.
38. Maher's group also wants to see Bush's face plastered all over ___.
40. He said that the public will ___ see Bush's face on dartboards.
41. One company is putting his face on their fly ___s.
42. The company might put Bush's face on all their trash ___s, Maher said.
45. A group in San Francisco is "honoring" former ___ G.W. Bush.
46. So we want to ruin his ___.
47. Kimberly-Clark will put Bush's ___ on their paper towels.
48. A group is "honoring" ___ President G.W. Bush.
50. Every state should have a ___water treatment plant.
51. ...who comes up with the best new word for their ___ "Bush Dictionary."
54. "We hope that this will ___ on nationwide," said activist Bill Maher.
56. In addition to putting Bush's ___ everywhere, Maher's group wants....
57. The public will see Bush's face on dartboards, welcome ___s, and boxes.
60. Several companies are ___ to work with Maher's group.
63. The word must refer to Bush, such as "bushfill" for ___.
64. Kimberly-Clark will put Bush's face on toilet paper and disposable ___s.
65. The word must refer to Bush ___.
66. ...who comes up with the ___ new word for their "Bush Dictionary."
67. Un___ly, the man is a dope.
68. When he sees his face on a fly swatter, he'll probably ___ flattered.


1. Kimberly-___ will put Bush's face on their paper towels.
2. I can't ___ to blow my nose.
3. Every ___ should have a wastewater treatment plant named after Bush.
4. "We hope that this will catch on ___wide," said activist Bill Maher.
6. I can't wait to blow my ___ into Bush's face.
8. Waste ___, the trash company, might put Bush's face on the rear end.
9. The ___ company might put Bush's face on their ___ trucks.
13. He'll probably feel ___ed.
14. Every state should have a treatment ___ named after Bush.
17. Maher's group is offering $5 to the ___ who comes up with....
19. "___ ruined this country," said Maher.
24. He said that the public will soon see Bush's face on dart___s.
25. The public will soon see Bush's face on ___s, welcome mats, and....
27. In addition to putting Bush's name ___, Maher's group also wants to....
28. To ___ a new word, go to
31. Maher's group also wants to see Bush's face ___ed all over America.
32. "We hope that this will catch on nationwide," said ___ Bill Maher.
33. proposing to name a new waste___ treatment plant after him.
34. ...who comes up with the best ___ word for their online "Bush Dictionary."
35. ...on their paper towels, ___ paper, toilet paper, and disposable diapers.
39. We hope that this will catch on nation___.
43. Waste Management, the largest trash ___ in America, might put....
44. ...person who comes up with the best word for their online "Bush ___."
48. A group in San ___ is "honoring" former President G.W. Bush.
49. To submit a new word, ___ to
52. ___ state should have a wastewater treatment plant named after Bush.
53. Waste ___ment might put Bush's face on the rear of their trash trucks.
55. The public will see Bush's face on dartboards, ___ mats, and trash cans.
58. The word must refer to Bush, such as "bushpaper" for ___ paper.
59. ...face on their ___ towels, tissue ___, toilet ___, and disposable diapers.
61. A group in San Francisco is "___ing" former President G.W. Bush.
62. When he sees his face on a ___ swatter, he'll probably feel flattered.