

Click on a number in the GRID (not in the Clues) to see the clue/s for that number. The clue appears at top left, above the grid. Type your answer into the empty BOX. Click on "Enter" to place your word into the grid. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter/s. Click on "Check," below the grid, to check your answer/s. ..., (c) Mike Carlson
 1      2            3             
         4      5               
   6                    7       
8                9     10           
      11                 12       
     13          14    15             
16   17                  18           
20         21         22     23        24     
    25       26      27     28            
            29          30   31       
  32         33            34         
35                  36            
    37    38    39                    
 40                     41        
    42          43      44            
              46            47    
       48        49           50      
   51         52                  
53         54               55    56      
             57    58     59          
     62             63            


1. Simon showed Brevyn an air pump he had recently ___d.
5. Brevyn knew that Simon was "___ smart."
6. He discovered that the boxes contained only old ___s.
7. "When are you going to ___ confusing 'its' with 'it's'?"
8. High volume air flow on both ___ and down strokes.
9. Simon always pointed out the ___s in his brother Brevyn's emails.
11. I've never ___ of a pump that pumps air on the upstroke.
12. ___ the label on the pump.
14. He didn't think Simon was very "street ___."
16. Years ago, Simon had bought ___ speakers from a vendor.
18. Did he tell you where his '___' is going to be tomorrow?
20. Maybe I can ___ a small nail in one of your new tires.
23. It pumps air into the tire on the ___stroke and the upstroke.
24. If your tires ever go ___, you can pump them up super-fast with this.
25. show him the new tires he had just put on his Honda ___.
27. ___ I can find a small nail.
30. Brevyn read the label. "___! Listen to this."
33. But it flows in on the up___, not out.
35. The air '___s,' all right, but it ___s in, not out.
36. Brevyn said that ___ ever noticed anyway.
39. What have you ___ to say for yourself?
40. Brevyn said, "You ___ be kidding."
41. The speaker boxes said Panasonic, Model No. A-682ST, Made in ___.
42. He had gotten the ___s at half price.
43. What have you got to say for ___?
45. "Did you ___ a receipt?" Brevyn asked.
46. Simon, a college ___, always pointed out the errors.
52. Simon showed Brevyn an air pump he had ___ purchased.
53. I've ___ heard of a pump that pumps air on the upstroke.
54. It pumps air into the ___ on the downstroke and the upstroke.
56. Maybe I can find a small ___ in one of your new tires.
57. Simon was ___ed when he discovered the boxes contained magazines.
60. ___ to this.
61. They were talking in Simon's living ___.
62. Years ago, Simon had ___ stereo speakers from a street vendor.
63. 'High volume air flow on ___ up and down strokes.'


1. I've never heard of a pump that ___ air on the upstroke.
2. Brevyn, a ___ school grad, said nobody ever noticed.
3. If ___ new tires ever go low, you can pump them up.
4. Simon was ___ when he discovered the boxes contained magazines.
6. The label writer tricked you, Mr. English ___.
7. Simon had bought stereo speakers from a ___ vendor.
10. "Let's go ___," Simon said.
13. Nobody ever ___d anyway.
15. Simon showed Brevyn an ___ pump he had recently purchased.
17. The label writer ___ed you.
19. When are you going to stop ___ 'its' with 'it's'?
21. show him the new tires he had just put on his ___ Accord.
22. Read the ___ on the pump. ... Brevyn read the ___.
26. He ___ed that the boxes contained only old magazines.
28. The ___ new speaker boxes said Panasonic, Model No. A-682ST.
29. Did you ask the guy about his return ___?
31. Brevyn said that nobody ever noticed ___.
32. High ___ air flow on both up and down strokes.
34. The ___es said Panasonic. ... The ___es contained only old magazines.
37. When are you going to stop confusing '___' with 'it's'?
38. Brevyn ___ that Simon was "book smart."
44. Maybe I can find a ___ nail in one of your new tires.
45. He had ___ the speakers at half price.
47. They were talking in Simon's ___ room.
48. He called Brevyn over to help him ___ up the speakers.
49. Years ago, Simon had bought stereo speakers from a street ___.
50. The boxes ___ed only old magazines.
51. ___'s go outside.
52. Did you get a ___?
55. You must be ___ding.
58. Simon ___ed Brevyn an air pump he had recently purchased.
59. Simon, a college grad, always ___ed out the errors in Brevyn's emails.