

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
 1       2      3          4       
                 5     6     
7   8          9       10        11     
      12         13        14      
    16      17       18      19    20      
   21           22       23        
       26      27       28         
29        30                   
31           32    33      34    35    36      
   38        39                
40                41           
      43    44         45          
 48             49             
50          51                 
 53         54                 


1. His summons would be the one with the ___ed microchip.
3. Then he ___ would be in jail.
5. So, he dutifully filled out the ___ and waited.
7. Printed on the outside was: OFFICIAL JURY ___.
9. He had received his ___ annual jury summons.
11. So, one day ___ of five was gone!
12. Printed in bright red ___s was: OFFICIAL JURY SUMMONS.
13. If he could ___, he would have ___d.
14. A friend had ___ throwing away summonses for years.
15. He listened, and ___ed with relief.
18. If he could have ___ed to the world, he would have ___ed.
21. On the outside of the white ___ was: Registration Required.
23. The recording told him to call ___ Monday after 5 p.m.
24. He tapped in ___ PIN and jury group number.
25. A ___ jail, to be sure, but it still felt like jail.
26. Weeks ago, he received his almost ___ jury summons.
28. A friend of his had been throwing ___ such summonses.
31. Printed in bright red letters was: ___ JURY SUMMONS.
33. If he ___ sing, he would have sung.
35. OFFICIAL ___ SUMMONS ENCLOSED Registration Required.
37. About six weeks ___, he received his annual summons.
39. But it ___ felt like jail.
40. His summons would be the one with the concealed ___.
41. Then he really would ___ in jail.
44. So, one day out of five was ___!
46. ___ed on the white envelope, in bright red letters, was....
47. So, he ___ filled out the form and waited until November 5.
49. A friend had been throwing away ___ summonses for years.
50. Archie couldn't remember a moment when he felt ___ happy.
52. Printed on the envelope was: ___ Required Within 5 Days.
53. As instructed, he ___ed the 800-SRV-JURY number.
54. He felt that his ___ was bad.


2. Oh, the joy! The ___ joy!
3. He listened, and sighed with ___.
4. Archie couldn't ___ that.
5. He would have shouted to the world, "I'm ___, I'm ___!"
6. He would be "on call" for "no ___ than five days."
8. He filled out the form and waited ___ his starting date.
10. The microchip recorded him throwing the envelope in the ___.
16. As ___ed, he dialed the number on Saturday.
17. Archie couldn't remember a ___ when he had felt so happy.
19. He ___ped in his PIN and jury group number.
20. Archie couldn't remember when he had felt so ___.
22. So, he ___ed out the form and waited until November 5.
27. ___ couldn't do that.
29. He dialed the number on the Saturday preceding ___ 5.
30. JURY SUMMONS Registration Required Within 5 ___s.
32. He felt that his luck ___ so bad that if he tried it....
34. He filled out the form and waited until his starting ___, Nov. 5.
35. Oh, the ___! The absolute ___!
36. Archie couldn't remember a ___ moment.
38. He dialed the number on the Saturday ___ November 5.
42. For that week, he ___ be "on call."
43. Printed on the white envelope, in ___ red letters, was....
45. SUMMONS ENCLOSED Registration Required ___ 5 Days.
48. If he could have shouted to the ___, he would have.
49. If he could ___, he would have sung.
51. A mental ___, to be sure, but it still felt like ___.