

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
    1     2     3       4   5          
   6      7                   
8   9      10                     
         11                12   
14            15          16        
        17          18          
    19          20          21      
    24               25         
27   28     29    30             31         
 32               33            
34        35     36                 
  38       39    40                 
    41     42                   
    44    45                    


1. The tank was ___ full.
4. Stanley had just finished ___ing his teeth.
7. But the water was slowly ___.
8. What ___ going on, he wondered.
11. He ___ water running for more than a week.
13. The tank was ___.
14. He called Henry the ___.
15. He grabbed some ___s.
18. He continued to watch the water ___.
19. He went into his ___.
20. That valve is too easy to ___.
21. ...stopped rising at one inch above the water ___.
22. The water continued to ___ into the bowl.
24. He tried to turn off the toilet tank ___ valve.
25. Stanley had just finished brushing his ___.
26. His rates ___ much cheaper.
27. Stanley put ___ and ___ together.
29. The next day, Henry arrived, only 30 ___s late.
31. The water got up to the ___ in the tank.
32. He had assumed it was his neighbor's ___.
33. That was too ___ for comfort.
34. Henry said he'd ___ over the next day.
35. But that was only two ___es below the top of the tank.
37. Now he knew it was his ___.
38. Is this thing going to overflow, he ___ed.
40. We ___n't want to mess with that.
42. Stanley lifted the toilet ___ top.
43. Stanley was ___ed.
44. He noticed water flowing into the toilet ___.
46. ...where it was ___d to stop rising.


2. The valve was "___."
3. When he returned, the toilet was ___.
5. His rates were cheaper than a ___ plumber's rates.
6. What in the ___ is going on?
9. That's ___, he thought.
10. His rates were cheaper than a regular ___'s rates.
12. That ___ is too easy to bust.
13. He had not just ___ed the toilet.
16. But he had ___d it was his neighbor's toilet.
17. That was too close for ___.
20. That was about two inches ___ the top of the tank.
21. Stanley ___ed the toilet tank top.
23. Is this thing going to ___, he wondered.
28. The ___ got up to the ___ Line mark.
30. He ___d water flowing into the toilet bowl.
31. We don't want to ___ with that.
36. The water ___ stopped rising.
38. It ___ take a lot of work.
39. His ___s were cheaper than a regular plumber's ___s.
41. He went into his bedroom and ___bed some towels.
45. Henry ___ a really nice guy.