

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  1      2        3              
4   5      6                     
 7             8              
9          10                  
12             13               
 14    15    16                     
18                 19     20        
        21       22      23         
 25    26      27        28             
29         30            31    32       
34         35                   
               36    37    38       
  39       40          41           
43              44              


4. Did he have any ___ what a day she had had?
6. "So, let's go to a ___," she suggested.
7. This was just one more ___.
8. She answered her ___ question.
9. The music ___ not very good.
10. Had he thought about asking ___ for ___ opinion?
11. "We're through!" she ___ed just before hanging up.
12. But ___ wasn't. ___ had decided to stay in.
13. "Tomorrow?!" ___ yelled. ___ was furious.
14. Had he thought before ___ everything on his own?
17. Walt ___ called Lulu at 6:55 p.m.
18. She answered her own ___.
21. He had the nerve to tell her to ___ it? ___ it?!
23. ...trying to finish all her ___ work so she would be ready?
25. He had ___ no respect for her.
28. Had he thought about asking her for her ___?
30. The ___ is not very good.
31. And then he had the ___ to call her up at 6:55?
33. ...before deciding everything on ___ own?
34. "Of course not!" she said as she ___ed her own question.
35. ...of how he had absolutely no ___ for her.
38. "You were right, ___," he said.
39. You ___ right.
40. Had he thought about asking her for her ___?
41. Had he thought ___ calling her up earlier?
43. He had ___ decided to stay in.
44. Did he ___ any idea what a difficult day she had had?
45. ___ he have any idea what a difficult day she had had?


1. ...her realty work so that she would ___ ready by 7 p.m.?
2. ...all her work so that she ___ be ready by 7 p.m.?
3. "We're ___!" she shouted.
5. She was all ___ up.
10. She shouted just before ___ing up.
13. He had already decided to ___ in.
15. "Of ___ not!" she said.
16. Did he have any idea what a ___ day she had had?
19. She yelled over the phone. She was ___.
20. ...for her opinion ___ deciding everything on his own?
22. Had he ___ about calling her up earlier?
24. He had no respect for her, and she ___ tired of it.
26. She was ready to go ___!
27. "How about a movie ___?" he asked. "___?!"
29. She was all dressed up, and she was ___ to go!
32. So let's not go to the play, if that's all ___ with you.
36. This was just one more example, she ___d on, of how....
37. ...trying to finish all her realty ___ so she would be ready?
42. Let's not go to the ___, if that's all right.
44. Did he have any idea what a difficult day she ___ ___?