

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
           2   3               
     4    5          6    7          
         8   9                 
  10            11               
13                14             
         15      16           17     
    18                  19       
20    21              22       23        
         25       26    27           
28               29        30        
      31         32              
                   33     34     
    35           36              
                   37   38       
      39       40                
 41                   42         
 43           44                 
   46         47                 


2. He might have helped dump his own sister's ___.
5. The barrel ___ warm.
6. Russell told ___ no problem.
8. The barrel was warm to the ___.
10. He wanted to get rid of ___.
11. George helped Russell position a ___ behind the truck.
12. Russell had asked him to help move a big ___ barrel.
13. Gobel ___s he helped dump his own sister's body.
16. They ___ed the barrel into the bed of the pickup.
19. This was a "two case" move, ___ing two cases of Bud.
20. He had heard that spontaneous ___ could occur.
22. They rolled it to the back of Russell's ___.
24. ___ly Russell had asked him to help move a big barrel.
26. "What's in ___?" George asked.
28. He had heard that ___ combustion could occur.
30. George helped position a ramp ___ the truck.
31. They pushed the barrel ___ up into the pickup.
32. They got it ___.
33. The barrel was in the ___ bedroom.
35. George helped Russell ___ a metal motorcycle ramp.
36. He ___ed to ask Russell, "Where's Staci?"
37. They ___ed it to the back of Russell's pickup truck.
39. George ___s that he happened to ask, "Where's Staci?"
42. He wanted to ___ rid of them.
43. It was just some old rags and ___ parts.
44. Russell just ___ed.
45. George thought it might ___ occurring at that moment.
46. ___ told Russell that this was a "two case" move.
47. The barrel was very ___.


1. Russell said it was ___ some old rags.
3. He had heard that combustion could ___.
4. The barrel was ___ to the touch.
5. He asked if the ___ engine was inside the barrel.
6. George ___ed position a ramp behind the truck.
7. Russell had asked him to help ___ a big metal barrel.
9. ___, the barrel was warm to the touch.
10. ___ was a "two case" move.
12. He ___ have helped dump his own sister's body.
13. They rolled it to the back of Russell's pickup ___.
14. George thinks he helped ___ his sister's body.
15. He might have helped dump his ___ sister's body.
17. This was a "two ___" move, meaning two ___s of Budweiser.
18. "I'll ___ you a case of Bud," Russell promised.
21. George helped position a ___ ramp behind the truck.
23. Russell told him no ___.
25. This was a "two case" move, meaning two cases of ___.
27. Russell said it was some old ___s and engine parts.
28. George might have helped dump his own ___'s body.
29. His ___-in-law Russell had asked him to help.
34. Russell ___ him that she was shopping.
35. "I'll buy you a case of Bud," Russell ___d.
38. She was ___ shopping.
40. He was looking at the ___.
41. It might be occurring at that ___ moment.
45. They pushed the barrel up into the ___ of the pickup.