

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
              1      2          
3        4         5       6          
         7         8         9     
10        11                 12       
 14           15                  
16                     17    18       
   19             20              
21       22           23              
 25    26       27                    
29          30                    
                     31    32     
33          34                    
            36           37       
38      39             40             
42    43             44               
 48               49              


1. After I knocked and knocked, I ___ the door.
3. A young woman who is a nursing student has ___ed.
6. The ___ was down on her Miata convertible.
10. It was not ___ locked.
11. A student at ___ City College has disappeared.
12. After I ___ed and ___ed, I tried the door.
13. Florence ___ed her friends to dinner at a French restaurant.
14. She is missing, with no signs of ___ and no clues.
15. Dinner included delicious and expensive ___.
17. She is ___ missing, with no clues as to where she has gone.
19. Dinner included ___ and expensive bottles of wine.
20. Florence's ___ card has not been used.
21. Florence's credit card has not been used in the ___ two days.
22. She had just started her final ___.
23. Florence treated her three ___s to dinner at Sur la Table.
26. The roof was down on her Miata ___.
28. I thought that was ___.
29. I walked ___, calling her name.
30. Florence treated her three friends to a ___ dinner.
31. When I got there, her car ___ in the parking lot.
34. The police are ___.
35. A ___ woman who is a nursing student has disappeared.
37. Her clothes were still not ___ up.
38. She ___ not return phone calls the next two days.
39. "She is one of our best students," said an ___.
40. A nursing student at Pasadena City ___ has disappeared.
42. Annabelle Florence had just moved into a new ___.
44. Everyone ___ged when the meal was finished.
45. All the ___ and furniture were in the new apartment.
46. She was planning to graduate two weeks before ___.
47. She had just started her ___ semester.
48. I ___d to go over to her new place.
49. I was getting very ___.
50. ___ was in the refrigerator.


2. Everyone hugged, and Florence ___ home by herself.
3. "It ___n't look good," said one detective.
4. Dinner included a couple of ___ bottles of wine.
5. So I decided to go over to her new ___.
7. She ___ just started her final semester.
8. Dinner included a couple of delicious ___s of wine.
9. Florence treated friends to dinner at a ___ restaurant.
16. ...nor have any calls been made from her ___ phone.
17. She is one of our best ___s.
18. The roof was down on her ___ convertible.
19. "It doesn't look good," said one ___.
24. Florence's credit card has not ___ used in two days.
25. I ___ into the bedroom and the bathroom.
27. Nothing was in the ___.
28. It had ___d the day before.
32. She is simply missing, with no ___s of violence.
33. She was planning to ___ two weeks before Christmas.
36. All her ___es were unopened.
37. Florence drove home by ___.
41. A ___ student at Pasadena City College has disappeared.
43. She did not ___ phone calls the next two days.