

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
 2    3          4    5    6       7     
         8           9       
  10        11           12        
  14           15        16        
22             23    24            
26               27            
            28     29      30      
 31   32       33                  
               34    35        
  36      37                   


2. He was at the top of the ___ for an orderly.
4. He was at the ___ of the ladder.
10. He considered himself ___ to be alive.
11. Why had he ___ that job, he wondered.
12. His life was now a constant ___.
16. He must have had a good ___.
17. He ___ed himself lucky, ___ing what he'd read about bacteria.
18. His life was now a ___ regret.
19. His schedule ___ included three-day weekends.
20. He wished he had stayed with his ___ job.
21. ...unless he wanted to go to school to become a ___ed nurse.
22. He considered himself lucky to be ___.
23. Deadly bacteria were developing ___ to the latest drugs.
26. A hospital is a ___ place.
27. He loved ___ing the game to others.
28. He got infections, ___ colds or the flu, from patients.
31. His ___ regularly included four-day weekends.
34. He was ___ when he worked at the golf course.
36. He wished he had stayed an assistant pro at Brookside Golf ___.
38. --the freshly mowed ___, the blue sky, the white clouds.
39. He wanted out, but he had ___ to go.


1. His schedule included three- or four-day ___s.
3. Viruses were developing immunity to all the latest ___s.
5. The game of golf was his ___.
6. The pay was low and the ___s were few.
7. Deadly bacteria and ___es were developing immunity.
8. There were no other jobs that he could ___ for.
9. He ___edly got infections, mostly colds, from patients.
13. Jake was always ___.
14. He repeatedly got ___s, mostly colds or the flu.
15. Deadly ___ and viruses were developing immunity to drugs.
20. He wanted ___ of the hospital.
21. He couldn't ___ what it was now.
24. He was just going through the same ___s.
25. He was happy at the golf course--the freshly ___ed grass....
29. ...unless he wanted to go to school to become a ___.
30. He wished he had ___ed with his old job.
32. He was no spring ___.
33. His ___ was now a constant regret.
35. ...was a constant regret about the ___est decision ever made.
37. He ___ couldn't remember what it was now.