

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
        1     2      3     4      
5     6                     
7               8           
  10                11        
  13      14              15      
            16       17       
  18         19               
22    23                24        
        25    26      27        28    
  29                  30      
32        33                  
 37           38              


1. ___ can get all the rabbits that they want at any shelter.
4. They don't ___, and they eat all the vegetables.
7. There are ___ too many rabbits in shelters.
8. ...PetsRUs, a ___wide store that sells pet accessories and small pets.
10. A market survey showed a ___ for rabbits.
12. [A] group is gathering ___s to present to the president.
13. PetsRUs was merely trying to ___ customer needs.
15. Plenty of small pet shops already ___ rabbits.
16. It's only a ___ of time before they start selling cats.
18. They don't like to be held or ___ted.
19. People can get all the dogs they want at any local ___.
20. A spokesman said that this was only a ___ program.
21. ...PetsRUs, a store that sells pet ___ and small pets.
23. They eat all the vegetables that your ___s refuse to eat.
26. People no sooner buy a rabbit than they take it out and ___ it.
29. An animal rights group in Phoenix, ___ is gathering signatures.
32. A ___ said that this was only a trial program.
34. An animal rights group is ___ing signatures to present to a store.
36. They don't like to be held or petted, and they're high ___.
37. He said that a ___ showed a demand for rabbits.
38. There are plenty of small, ___ pet shops that sell rabbits.


2. An animal rights group in ___, Arizona is gathering signatures.
3. They scratch, they ___, and they're high maintenance.
4. Why should the nationwide store stop selling cute ___?
5. They said they would never sell dogs, cats, or ___s.
6. They eat all the ___s that your kids refuse to eat.
9. A month later they take it out to a ___ and release it.
11. Rabbits are ___, they don't bark, and they eat vegetables.
14. They ___, they bite, they're not people friendly....
16. They ___ like "well, like rabbits."
17. These house-___ed rabbits often die quickly in the wild.
21. People can get rabbits at any local shelter, she ___d.
22. Rabbits eat all the vegetables that your kids ___ to eat.
24. They don't like to be ___ or petted.
25. In addition, she ___ed that rabbits make terrible pets.
27. An ___ rights group is gathering signatures to present to PetsRUs.
28. An animal rights group is gathering signatures to present to the ___.
30. She warned that rabbits make ___ pets.
31. The Phoenix store was the only store in the ___ selling rabbits.
33. He said that PetsRUs was ___ trying to satisfy customer needs.
35. It's not like there's a ___ of places to get these "so-called pets."