

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
 2   3          4          5     
7      8         9            
            11      12    13     
          16      17         
     19                20    
21    22              23         
        24           25      
 28              29          
30                31         


2. He has to ___ hours on the computer researching the latest properties.
4. Some of them, the most ___ful, work with wealthy people.
9. He (or she) has to join a ___ company and attend meetings regularly.
10. The seller often lies, proclaiming that there are no problems with his ___.
13. I don't know. ___ me think about it.
14. He must ___ the client from one property to another.
15. But for a new Realtor, ___ is hard.
16. He has to make "cold calls" to ___ clients.
21. He (or she) has to join a realty company and attend meetings ___.
23. Neither one wants to ___ in.
26. A Realtor has to pass a ___ test.
27. He must chauffeur the client from one ___ to another.
28. It can be a ___, depressing job.
29. The Realtor has to put up with the buyer's cries of ___.
30. A Realtor has to pass a comprehensive ___.
31. It can be a lonely, ___ing job.


1. A ___ has to take continuing education credit classes annually.
3. The Realtor has to ___ the seller's lies and the buyer's cries. (Yes, 3 words mushed together!)
5. No, sir, ___ none whatsoever.
6. It's always a ___ between the seller and the buyer.
7. The seller often lies, proclaiming: "No, sir, absolutely none ___."
8. Some of them work with ___ people who live in beautiful neighborhoods.
11. Some work with wealthy people who live in ___ houses in ___ neighborhoods.
12. A Realtor has to take continuing education ___ classes annually.
14. These cold ___s are uncomfortable for the Realtor.
16. The seller often lies, ___ing that there are no problems with his house.
17. The most successful work with wealthy people who live in beautiful ___s.
18. These ___ calls are annoying to potential clients.
19. He must chauffeur the client, ___ explaining this and that while answering questions.
20. Once a Realtor gets a ___, he must chauffeur the ___ from one property to another.
22. Their job is almost ___.
24. These cold calls are uncomfortable for the Realtor and ___ing to clients.
25. On top of it all, the seller often ___s.