

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  1    2                 
    4             5      
 6            7          
   9              10      
12         13              
14             15          
17             18          


1. He told her that was the ___ time he was going to help her.
4. The signs were not always easy to push into the ___.
6. They told her how to have ___ houses on weekends.
7. Why couldn't these people let us know beforehand to bring ___s, she wondered.
9. She hunched up ___ing.
10. They wished her good ___.
11. She looked around and saw others feeling ___ cold.
14. Edith wondered how long her realty "___" was going to last.
15. The testing room in the government ___ was freezing.
16. She tried to ___ Edgar in conversation.
17. They told her how much money she would ___ them each month.
18. The testing room in the government building was ___.
19. She had just taken the ___ realty exam.
20. The signs were not always easy to push into the ground, nor did they always stay ___.
22. The exam was a ___ multiple-choice exam in downtown Los Angeles.
23. Other than that, they weren't much help or ___.


2. She had to carry big ___s in her car.
3. Only a dozen house-___s showed up all day.
5. She had just taken the state ___ exam.
8. They would just add the cost to her monthly ___.
9. She discovered that all of her signs had been ___!
11. She saw others feeling ___ly cold.
12. Her husband finally ___ her to an open house.
13. Edith ___ed how long her realty "career" was going to last.
15. Why couldn't these people let us know ___ to bring jackets, she wondered.
21. As she ___ed up shivering, she looked around.