

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
     2       3          
  6          7          
     9    10             
    11       12           
       13       14        
   15     16              
  17                18    
     20           21      


2. She ___ed at him.
7. She screamed at him like a ___ person.
8. His ___ got big.
9. Barbara couldn't ___ it anymore.
11. So, this was the third ___.
13. She marched upstairs to remind him of his ___.
17. Barbara could ___ that when she reentered her....
20. He didn't know that she could hear his ___.
21. She asked him to ___ it lower.
22. I can hear every ___!
23. She took her ___ bat upstairs with her.


1. I can't ___ I said that.
3. She ___ed upstairs to remind him of his promise.
4. Her neighbor was ___ing his stereo again.
5. It's ___ like your stereo was in my living room.
6. The ___ next day, he blasted his stereo.
10. ...turn the music down and ___ it down.
12. She had asked him to turn the ___ down.
14. The first time she asked, he was ___d.
15. She had asked him ___ already.
16. She hoped that he was telling the ___.
18. The volume was so low he could ___ hear it.
19. She ___ed very loudly on his door.