323. Food as Punishment

Gap-fill exercise

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A food called “nutraloaf” has been used for years in US prisons. But prisoners claim that tastes so bad that the food is actually . They say that prison officials must charge the with some type of violation before they can him by making him eat nutraloaf. At least prisoner has filed a lawsuit against the use nutraloaf. Prison officials say the prisoners are overreacting. say that nutraloaf is a nutritious food. “It’s like fruitcake,” said one warden. Nutraloaf is a of bread, cheese, raw and cooked vegetables, beans, other ingredients which may vary from season to and prison to prison.

Prison officials say that nutraloaf, a “hand” food, increases prison safety, because don’t have utensils or plates to throw at use against guards or other prisoners. Officials routinely nutraloaf for days at a time when one more prisoners act unruly.

“What are they complaining ? I wish I could have had nutraloaf when was growing up,” said Bob Hope, a prison in Arkansas. “It tastes a lot better than grits and corn bread I ate every day. guys have a lot of nerve to complain. ’ve eaten it myself many times—I just pop it the microwave for a minute, spread a little on it, and enjoy. What’s their beef? Prisoners a bunch of whiners. If they want five-star food, they should commit their crimes in France.”