

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
     1       2      
4               5   
  6       7         
8           9    10     
 11      12           
 13           14     15   
     16    17         
18           19       


3. A. Do the colors on a map mean ___? B. No, they mean nothing.
6. The oceans and seas on a map are usually the color ___.
8. A. Are ___ the countries on a map different colors? B. Sometimes two or more countries are the same color.
11. Tomatoes are ___ in color.
12. Different ___ on a map are different colors. ___ next to one another are different colors.
13. Grass is the color ___.
16. ___es are red. They are delicious on sandwiches and in salads.
18. Different colors help make a map look ___. Colors are beautiful.
19. All the different countries in the ___ are different colors on the ___ map.


1. Bodies of ___, like oceans and seas, are usually blue on a map.
2. People think of the color red when they think of a ___ or a ___ truck.
4. A. What do the colors on a map ___? B. They usually don't ___ anything. They just make the map look pretty.
5. Cows and sheep like to eat ___. ___ is green.
6. ___s fly in the sky and make nests in trees. They are not the same color as blackbirds.
7. Dogs, cats, and many other animals walk on the ___. People plant vegetables in the ___.
9. Some maps have a ___ of different colors. Some maps have only a few different colors.
10. He ___ed with his finger at another country.
12. A world map shows every ___ in the world, including Mexico and China.
14. A map has many different ___s, including red, green, blue, and yellow.
15. Jerry asked his ___ many questions about the world map.
17. A world ___ shows a lot of information about all the countries in the world.