
Click on a number in the grid, and you'll see a sentence. Type in the word, and click on "Enter". If you don't know the word, click on "Hint".
  1   2    3       4    
 5         6      
  11    12     13       


1. ___ the weather is good. ___ the weather is bad.
6. He gets ___ grades in school. He is a ___ student.
7. Look me in the ___.
9. ___s like boys.
13. A policeman is ___. A fireman is ___. A soldier is ___. A hero is ___.
14. Horses and cows are ___s. People love ___s.
15. ___s like girls.


2. A hero saves ___ from danger.
3. I like a story with a happy ___.
4. Everyone has an interesting ___ to tell about their life.
5. Superman is a comic book ___. He saves people from danger.
8. Every ___ needs a solution.
10. A drunk driver is ___ous. He is a ___ to others.
11. I am ___ on my birthday.
12. ___s like to play and have fun. They enjoy their sumer vacation from school.