
Click on a number in the grid, and you'll see a sentence. Type in the word, and click on "Enter". If you don't know the word, click on "Hint".
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9      10          


3. She goes to the park after ___. Her teachers teach her at ___.
6. She scores a lot of ___s. A basketball shot = 2 ___s or 3 ___s.
7. She makes a ___ of shots and scores a ___ of points.
9. ___ players shoot at the baskets on a ___ court.
12. She is a good ___. She is a basketball ___. She plays basketball.


1. That is a good ___. A golf ___. She makes a lot of ___s.
2. She is a ___ shooter. Her sister is a bad shooter.
4. She plays basketball on a basketball ___. He plays tennis on a tennis ___.
5. Her ___ has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
8. She plays basketball almost every ___.
9. She plays basketball with the ___s, not the girls.
10. She plays basketball almost ___ day.
11. The basketball court is in the ___ near her house.