
Click on a number in the grid, and you'll see a sentence. Type in the word, and click on "Enter". If you don't know the word, click on "Hint".
      1      2    
5            6    
 9    10           
     11     12      


3. A ___ coaster is fun to ride.
5. He ___s at his mom. She ___s at him.
6. The roller coaster starts ___. It starts to move.
7. A roller coaster ride is ___. Everyone has ___ on a roller coaster.
8. ___ down when you ride on the roller coaster.
9. A horse ___r ___s on a horse.
11. He ___s at the funny joke.
13. He sits ___ to his mom.


1. My ___ and dad love me.
2. The second hand on the clock goes ___ and ___ in a circle.
4. The roller ___ goes up and down and all around.
7. A roller coaster goes ___. It is as ___ as a car.
8. The roller coaster ___s up. It begins to move.
10. Balloons go up. Rain comes ___.
12. Wake up. ___ out of bed.