

Click on a number. Read the clue. Type in a word. Click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
  1     2     3    
6           7   


2. A ___ is a copy of an animal.
4. Will you ___ your parents when they die?
5. A cat ___s, but a dog barks.
6. ___s and dogs are popular pets in America.
9. I ate my cookie. Can I have ___ one?
10. ___ is one more than 13. ___ is old for a cat or dog.
11. Everything that is alive will ___ someday.


1. A ___ is a baby cat.
3. You need ___ shoes. Your old shoes don't fit anymore.
5. I love my parents very ___. Do you?
7. A ___ is a bad guy at sea. He attacks other ships.
8. These shoes are ___ new. They are still in the box.